●PHP5安装aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-curl php5-gd php5-imap php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-tidy
●MySQL5服务器和客户端安装aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client MySQL的配置文件在/etc/mysql/my.cnf,在安装MySQL服务器的时候,会要求你输入root密码。
●PHPMyAdmin工具安装 aptitude install phpmyadmin PHPMyAdmin会自动配置Apache服务器,安装完后,可以直接输入< a href="http://localhost/phpmyadmin/">http://localhost/phpmyadmin/< /a>来访问PHPMyAdMin。
●开始使用PHP访问TokyoTrant我修改了如下地址的代码,为我所用,哈哈!!< a href="http://openpear.org/repository/Net_TokyoTyrant/trunk">http://openpear.org/repository/Net_TokyoTyrant/trunk< /a>
< center>
This is the TokyoTyrant Test
< /center>
< br />
< center>
< li id="h">< a href="insert.html" title="DB insert Test">DB insert Test< /a>< /li>
< li id="h">< a href="search.html" title="DB search Test">DB search Test< /a>< /li>
< /center>
< form action="putKeyValue.php" method="get">
< center>
This is the TokyoTyrant Test
< /center>
< br />
< center>
Please input Key:: < input type="text" name="key">
< br />
Please input Value:: < input type="text" name="value">
< br />
< input type="submit">
< /center>
< /form>
< form action="getKeyValue.php" method="">
< center>
This is the TokyoTyrant Test
< /center>
< br />
< center>
Please input Key: < input type="text" name="key">
< br />
< input type="submit">
< /center>
< /form>
< ?php
class Net_TokyoTyrantException extends Exception {};
class Net_TokyoTyrantNetworkException extends Net_TokyoTyrantException {};
class Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException extends Net_TokyoTyrantException {};
// License: MIT
class Net_TokyoTyrant
$connect = false;
$errorNo, $errorMessage;
const RDBXOLCKNON = 0;
const RDBXOLCKREC = 1;
const RDBXOLCKGLB = 2;
public function connect($server, $port, $timeout = 10)
$this->socket = @fsockopen($server,$port, $this->errorNo, $errorMessage, $timeout);
if (! $this->socket) {
throw new Net_TokyoTyrantNetworkException(sprintf('%s, %s', $this->errorNo, $errorMessage));
$this->connect = true;
public function setTimeout($timeout)
$this->socket_timeout = $timeout;
stream_set_timeout($this->socket, $timeout);
public function getTimeout()
return $this->socket_timeout;
public function close()
if ($this->connect) {
private function _read($length)
if ($this->connect === false) {
throw new Net_TokyoTyrantException('not connected');
if (@feof($this->socket))
throw new Net_TokyoTyrantNetworkException('socket read eof error');
$result = fread($this->socket, $length);
if ($result === false) {
throw new Net_TokyoTyrantNetworkException('socket read error');
return $result;
private function _write($data)
$result = fwrite($this->socket, $data);
if ($result === false) {
throw new Net_TokyoTyrantNetworkException('socket read error');
private function _doRequest($cmd, $values = array())
$this->_write($cmd . $this->_makeBin($values));
private function _makeBin($values){
$int = '';
$str = '';
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
$str .= $this->_makeBin($value);
if (! is_int($value)) {
$int .= pack('N', strlen($value));
$str .= $value;
$int .= pack('N', $value);
return $int . $str;
protected function _getResponse()
$res = fread($this->socket, 1);
$res = unpack('c', $res);
if ($res[1] !== 0) {
throw new Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException('Error Response');
return true;
protected function _getInt1()
$result = '';
$res = $this->_read(1);
$res = unpack('c', $res);
return $res[1];
protected function _getInt4()
$result = '';
$res = $this->_read(4);
$res = unpack('N', $res);
return $res[1];
protected function _getInt8()
$result = '';
$res = $this->_read(8);
$res = unpack('N*', $res);
return array($res[1], $res[2]);
protected function _getValue()
$result = '';
$size = $this->_getInt4();
return $this->_read($size);
protected function _getKeyValue()
$result = array();
$ksize = $this->_getInt4();
$vsize = $this->_getInt4();
$result[] = $this->_read($ksize);
$result[] = $this->_read($vsize);
return $result;
protected function _getData()
$result = '';
$size = $this->_getInt4();
if ($size === 0) {
return '';
return $this->_read((int) $size);
protected function _getDataList()
$result = array();
$listCount = $this->_getInt4();
for($i = 0;$i < $listCount; $i++) {
$result[] = $this->_getValue();
return $result;
protected function _getKeyValueList()
$result = array();
$listCount = $this->_getInt4();
for($i = 0;$i < $listCount; $i++) {
list($key, $value) = $this->_getKeyValue();
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
public function put($key, $value)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x10);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key,(string) $value));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return true;
public function putkeep($key, $value)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x11);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key,(string) $value));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return true;
public function putcat($key, $value)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x12);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key,(string) $value));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return true;
public function putrtt($key, $value, $width)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x13);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key, (string) $value, $width));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return true;
public function putnr($key, $value)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x18);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key, (string) $value, (int) $width));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return ;
return ;
public function out($key)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x20);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return true;
public function get($key)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x30);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key));
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return $this->_getData();
public function mget($keys)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x31);
$values = array();
$values[] = count($keys);
foreach($keys as $key) {
$values[] = array((string) $key);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, $values);
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return $this->_getKeyValueList();
public function fwmkeys($prefix, $max)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x58);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $prefix, (int) $max));
return $this->_getDataList();
public function addint($key, $num)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x60);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key, (int) $num));
return $this->_getInt4();
public function putint($key, $num)
//This Code is non support
$value = pack('V', $num);
return $this->put($key, $value);
public function getint($key)
return $this->addint($key, 0);
public function adddouble($key, $integ, $fract)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x61);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key, (int) $intteg, (int) $fract));
return array($this->_getInt8(), $this->_getInt8());
public function ext($extname, $key, $value, $option = 0)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x68);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $extname, (int) $option, (string) $key, (string) $value));
return $this->_getData();
public function vsize($key)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x38);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $key));
return $this->_getInt4();
public function iterinit()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x50);
return true;
public function iternext()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x51);
try {
} catch (Net_TokyoTyrantProtocolException $e) {
return false;
return $this->_getValue();
public function sync()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x70);
return true;
public function vanish()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x71);
return true;
public function copy($path)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x72);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $path));
return true;
public function restore($path)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x73);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $path));
return true;
public function setmst($host, $port)
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x78);
$this->_doRequest($cmd, array((string) $host, (int) $port));
return true;
public function rnum()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x80);
return $this->_getInt8();
public function size()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x81);
return $this->_getInt8();
public function stat()
$cmd = pack('c*', 0xC8,0x88);
return $this->_getValue();
function __toString()
return "";
< center>
This is the TokyoTyrant Test
< br />
< br />
< /center>
< ?php
require_once 'TokyoTyrant.php';
$tt = new Net_TokyoTyrant();
$tt->connect('', 13000);
$key = $_GET["key"];
$value = $tt->get($key,$value);
< center>
The < ?php echo $key; ?>のvalueは < ?php echo $value; ?>です< br />
< br />
< br />
< /center>
< center>
< li id="h">< a href="index.html" title="return main">return main< /a>< /li>
< /center>
< center>
This is the TokyoTyrant Test
< br />
< br />
< /center>
< ?php
require_once 'TokyoTyrant.php';
$tt = new Net_TokyoTyrant();
$tt->connect('', 13000);
$key = $_GET["key"];
$value = $_GET["value"];
$flag = true;
$flag = false;
< center>insert error< /center>
< ?php }?>
< center>
< ?php if($flag){?>
< ?php echo $_GET["key"]; ?>
< ?php }?>< br />
< ?php if($flag){?>
< ?php echo $_GET["value"]; ?>
< ?php }?>< br />
< br />
< br />
< ?php if($flag){?>
Insert Ok
< ?php }?>
< br />
< br />
< /center>
< center>
< li id="h">< a href="index.html" title="return main">return main< /a>< /li>
< /center>
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