
澳洲移民教师资格认证评估指南 Skills Assessment Application Guide

澳洲移民教师资格认证评估指南 Skills Assessment Application Guide

TA 负责澳洲移民及公民部公布了“澳大利亚教师资格”项目,以移民为目的的指定职业评估,评估的职业如下:Teaching Australia has been gazetted by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship as the relevant assessing authority for the following nominated occupations for migration purposes:

ASCO代码:ASCO Code 职业:Profession
· 2411-11 学前教师 Pre-primary school teacher
· 2412-11 小学教师 Primary school teacher
· 2413-11 中学教师 Secondary school teacher

该评估的目的仅有一种即移民,不能用来只为在澳大利亚获取职业教师注册或获得一份工作。This assessment is for migration purposes only and cannot be used to obtain professional teacher registration or employment in Australia.

Three assessment criteria are required by Teaching Australia:

1. 教育 Educational
教育由Teaching Austrilia 评估--相当于澳大利亚至少四年的全日制高等教育学习(或同等时间水平的业余教育);获得一或多个资格合格证书-相当于澳大利亚本科学位或更高水平的教育水平Completion of study assessed by Teaching Australia as comparable to at least four years full-time higher * education level study (or part-time equivalent) in Australia, which results in a qualification (or qualifications) comparable to the education level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher.

2. 职业 Professional
作为以上教育准则的一部分,完成至少一年的全日制(或同等时间和水平的业余教育)高等教育水平职前教师资格培训,其中要至少包括提名职业的45天教学实习经历(有人监督的情况下)As part of the educational criterion above, completion of an initial teacher education qualification of at least one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) study at the higher *education level that includes at least 45 working days of supervised teaching practice in your nominated occupation.

3. 英语水平 English language
英语水平就以您在申请指南和申请表的section I 中所选的项为依据English language ability as evidenced by one of four options detailed in section I of this Application Guide and the Application Form.

高等教育是指在大学或其他经过认可的高等教育机构接受的教育,且获得学位或更高的证书。*Higher education is education offered by a university or other recognised higher education institution, leading to the award of a degree or higher level qualification, The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2003).

All applicants, regardless of where they have completed their training, will be assessed against these criteria. Registration or accreditation with an Australian teacher registration body will not guarantee a successful outcome for this assessment. All assessment criteria must be met in order to obtain a successful assessment.

有关评估准则和须递交证明文件的详细信息您都可以在该申请指南中找到;申请表和常见问题请参考www.teachingaustralia.edu.au 。Detailed information regarding the assessment criteria and supporting documents to be submitted can be found in this Application Guide, the Application Form and the Frequently Asked Questions document on the website www.teachingaustralia.edu.au

所有的申请和证明文件必须寄往该地址:All applications and supporting documents must be mailed to Teaching Australia at:

Skills Assessment Unit
Teaching Australia
5 Liversidge St
Acton ACT 0200 Australia

Skills Assessment Unit
Teaching Australia
5 Liversidge St
Acton ACT 0200 Australia

技术评估申请指南:Skills Assessment Application Guide

申请书包括三部分:The Application Form is prepared in three parts:
第一部分:如果您用的是代理公司的话请填写该部分 Part I - complete if you are using an agent;
第二部分:必填部分 Part 2 - completed by all applicants, and
第三部分:所有的申请者须填写一清单,然后连同第二部分和所有的支持文件一起递交 Part 3 - a checklist to be completed by all applicants and submitted along with the Part 2 of the Application Form and all supporting documents.

该申请指南列明了申请每一部分所需内容请认真阅读 This Application Guide explains what is required in each section of your application. Please read the information carefully before completing your application.

申请人都需递交所有文件原件的公证副本,在每份Copy文件上都要清楚的表明是经过公证的真实原件副本或等同于,而且必须有公证官员的签字和详细的联系方式。All applicants are required to submit certified copies of their original documents. It must be clearly indicated on each document that it is a ‘certified true copy of the original document’, or similar and it must be signed by the certifying officer. Please provide contact details of the certifying officer.

以下授权人可能会证明文件副本是原件的真实Copy件:注册执业会计师, 监誓官,法官,治安官员,行政长官,注册医生,公证员,学校校长,律师或大使馆官员Documents may be certified as true copies of the original by one of the following authorised persons: Certified Practicing Accountant, Commissioner of Oaths, judge, Justice of the Peace, magistrate, registered medical practitioner, notary public, school principal, solicitor or embassy official.

所有不是用英文来表述的文件需要由专业人员翻译成英文。原始文件的公证复印件及其英语翻译件都需递交。All documents in a language other than English must be translated into English by an accredited translator. Please submit certified copies of the original language documents and the English translations.

在中国获得资格证书的申请人需递交原始公证证书Please note applicants with qualifications from China are required to submit original notarial certificates for their qualifications.

技术评估申请表第一部分 Skills Assessment Application Form Part 1

授权代理人和联系方式 Agent authorisation and contact details
如果您委托了代理(注册移民代理机构,家人或朋友)请填写这部分,如果没有的话请直接填写第二部分 Complete this part of the application form if you are using an agent (registered migration agent, family member or friend). If you are not using an agent please go to Part 2.

技术评估表 第二部分 Skills Assessment Application Form Part 2

Section A 提名职业 Section A: Nominated occupation

选择最符合您教学证书的选项。如果您符合其他选项的话您也可以多选Tick the nominated occupation that best suits your formal teaching qualifications. If you are qualified to teach in more than one occupation, you may tick more than one occupation. Teaching Australia cannot advise which ASCO code an applicant should nominate prior to assessing your application.

Teaaching Austrilia的提名职业评估标准是这样的:学前教育老师教授0-8岁的孩子,小学教师教授5/6-12岁的孩子,中学教师教授13-18岁的孩子,所有的教师不论他们接受培训时的年龄都必须满足以上评估要求With regard to the nominated occupations assessed by Teaching Australia, pre-primary school teachers teach children aged 0 to 8 years of age. Primary school teachers teach children aged 5 or 6 to 12 years of age. Secondary school teachers teach children aged 13 to 18 years of age. All teachers, regardless of which age level they were trained for, are required to meet all of the assessment criteria listed above.

提名学前教育学校老师的申请者或许须提交职前师训证书(0-5岁年龄段和3-8岁年龄段)。合格的申请表需包含足够的内容和针对3-5岁年龄段的教学实习Applicants nominating the occupation of pre-primary school teacher may present initial teacher education qualifications that span the 0 - 5 years age group as well as the 3 - 8 years age group. To be acceptable the qualification completed by the applicant must include sufficient content and teaching practice targeted to the 3 - 5 age group.

Section B:申请细节 Applicant details

提供个人详细信息:如出生日期,出生国家,永久居留国家。如果您有曾用名请说明。所有申请人需递交两张护照尺寸的照片。Provide your personal details such as your date of birth, country of birth and the country of permanent residency. If you have changed your name, please include prior names here. All applicants are required to submit two passport sized photographs.

Section C: 申请人联系方式 applicant contact details

请提供个人详细的联系方式(包括委托代理的申请人)除非特殊情况teaching Austrilia才会直接跟您联系。E-mail是首选的联系方式,请注明您的E-mail地址。
Please provide your personal contact details even if you are using an agent. In rare cases Teaching Australia may need to contact you directly. As email is the preferred means of contact, please include an email address.

Section D: 付款细节payment details

技术评估的费用是450澳元。付款方式有:信用卡,银行支票,国际银行汇票,澳大利亚国际汇票。不接受现金,商业或个人支票,转账卡的支付方式。请您按规定付款方式付款。The cost of the skills assessment is AUD450.00. Teaching Australia accepts payment by credit card, bank cheque, international bank draft and Australia Post money order. We do not accept payment by cash, business or personal cheque, or debit card. Please make bank cheques, international drafts and Australia Post money orders payable to ‘Teaching Australia’.

在评估开始之前如果申请人希望退出申请的话,Teaching Austrilia会退给您400澳元。有意退出的申请人须以Email的方式通知TeachingAustrilia. Teaching Australia will issue a refund of AUD400.00 if an applicant wishes to withdraw their application before the assessment of that application has commenced. The applicant must notify Teaching Australia by email of their request to withdraw their application.

注意一旦评估开始的话不会返您钱的Once the assessment process has begun, no refunds will be issued.

Section E: 中学教育 secondary school education

提供您中学教育资格证书的名称(即颁发资格证书国家的证书名称)。这通常是在大学之前完成学业的最后两年所获得的证书。您还需要写上学校的名字和国家Provide the name of your secondary school qualification (use the title of the qualification used in the country where you completed this). This will usually be the qualification you received on completion of the final two years of your schooling prior to attending university. You will also need to include the name of the school and country these studies were completed.

Section F: 职前师训证书和教学实习 initial teacher education qualification and supervised teaching practice

这样的证书必须包括(在获得证书国家)至少一年的全日制学习或同等时间和水平的业余学习才能符合评估标准。这以成绩单,分数册为依据。这些证书必须由TeachingAustrilia评估。This is the qualification that prepares you to teach in a pre-primary, primary or secondary school classroom. Such qualifications must involve at least one year of full-time study (or part-time equivalent), in the country in which it was obtained, to meet the assessment criteria. This is determined by the credits stated on the academic transcripts, mark sheets or students books. This qualification must be assessed by Teaching Australia as comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher.

职前师训证书包含内容:连续的学习计划,比如说课程编制,教育/发展心理学,课堂管理,教学实习,适合所教年龄阶段学生和主题的教学和学习方法论。Initial teacher education qualifications contain a sequential program of study including units such as curriculum development, educational/developmental psychology, classroom management, supervised teaching practice, and teaching and learning methodologies appropriate to the age level and subject area in which you are trained to teach.

职前教训证书必须含有您提名职业的至少45天的教学实习。如果您的成绩单没有清晰的表明教学实习的时间段的话,那么您需要提供一份学习机构的推荐信(写明您教学实习的时间段,您所教学生的你年龄段比如说是小学生还是中学生)Your initial teacher education qualification must contain at least 45 days of supervised teaching practice in your nominated occupation. If your transcript does not clearly indicate the duration of your supervised teaching practice, you will need to obtain a letter from the institution at which you studied that states the length of your supervised teaching practice and the age group of the children you taught (e.g. primary or secondary school students).

如果您的职前师训证书含有的教学实习少于45天但不少于30天的话,Teaching Austrilia会考虑到您的职业教学经历。在这种情况下您需要描述在最近三年内您有至少一年全职或相当于一年的业余合格教师的经历(提名职业或其他我们评估的其他提名职业范围)。请注意少于30天的话我们不会予以考虑的。If your initial teacher education qualification contains less than 45 days (but no less than 30 days) of supervised teaching practice then Teaching Australia may take your professional teaching experience into consideration. In this instance you must demonstrate that you have worked as a qualified teacher in your nominated occupation or, one of the other nominated occupations that we assess, for at least one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) within the last three years. (Please note that this consideration will not be given to applicants who have less than 30 days of supervised teaching practice in their initial teacher education qualification).

蒙特梭利,鲁道夫施泰纳,特殊教育(或特殊需要) ,教育管理,英语为第二语言教学(ESL) ,对说其他语言人的英语教师(TESOL)或英语外语教学(TEFL)这类证书不符合职前师训证书评估准则
Please note that for the purposes of this skills assessment, qualifications such as Montessori, Rudolph Steiner, special education (or special needs), educational administration, English as a Second Language (ESL), Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) or Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) are not considered to meet the criteria of an initial teacher education qualification.

如果不是在有权颁发学术资格和学术成绩单的认证学位授予机构获得执教资格的不属于评估考虑范围之内。Employment based routes into the teaching profession (for example the Graduate Teacher Program from the United Kingdom), which do not result in the issue of a recognised academic award and academic transcripts by an accredited degree granting institution, will not be considered in the assessment process.

未完成学业的不符合评估标准,Teaching Austrilia只评估那些符合要求获得学位的人Incomplete studies cannot be used to meet any of the assessment criteria. Teaching Australia only assesses completed studies, that is studies which have satisfied the requirements for an award.

Section G: 其他证书 other qualifications

如果您有其他证书的话请在此一一列出且都须有证明文件,都将由Teaching Austrilia评估。List your other qualifications here. These qualifications must be assessed by Teaching Australia as comparable to the educational level of an Australian bachelor degree or higher. All applicants are required to provide documentary evidence that they have completed four years full-time (or part-time equivalent) higher education level study.
Incomplete studies cannot be used to meet any of the assessment criteria. Teaching Australia only assesses completed studies, that is studies which have satisfied the requirements for an award.

Section H:目前的执教资格(注册/或受雇佣) current eligibility to teach (registration and/or employment)

如果您的所在国有教师注册或申请系统的话,请递交上您的教师资格证的经认证的副本;如果没有相应系统的话那么您就需要列明您作为教师的工作经历证明(推荐信)If your country has a system of teacher registration or licensing, you are required to provide a certified copy of your teacher registration/license card. If your country does not have a registration/licensing body for teachers, then you should include employment references outlining your teaching experience.

工作经历证明上(推荐信)应有学校名称,签字,日期及以下信息:职位头衔,起止日期,全职还是兼职,学生的年龄段和教授的是哪门课程。如果您无法获取原单位或现在单位的推荐信请递交其他包含以上信息的证明。Employment references should be on the letterhead of the school, signed, dated and include the following information: title of your position, the duration of your employment, full or part-time status, the age group of the children you taught and the subjects you taught. If you are unable to obtain a letter from your current or past employers, please provide other evidence (e.g. statement of service from the relevant education employment authority) including the information above.

如果您是在递评估申请前六个月在澳大利亚完成的职前师训的话,就无需再提供教师注册证。If you completed your initial teacher education qualification in Australia six months prior to submitting your skills assessment application, you are not required to provide a teacher registration card.

Section I:英语水平证明 evidence of English language

您只需提供能满足一下一项的证明即可:Applicants are required to provide evidence that meets one of the following options:
1. 在澳大利亚,加拿大,爱尔兰,新西兰,英国或美国出生且完成了中学教育(教学语言须是英语)。需提供出生证明和中学成绩单Born and completed secondary education (education must have been completed in the English language) in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America.
Suitable evidence – birth certificate and secondary school results
2. 在澳大利亚,加拿大,爱尔兰,新西兰,英国或美国完成了至少一年的高等教育水平的全日制或同等时间水平的业余职前师训,这须是在提交申请前五年内完成且必须是在英语环境下。提供成绩单-列明课程周期和课程使用英语授课Completed at least a one year full-time (or part-time equivalent) higher education level initial teacher education qualification in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America. Studies must have been completed in the five years prior to lodging this application and they must have been completed in an English language environment.
Suitable evidence – academic transcripts showing length course & that course was conducted in English.
3. 在澳大利亚,加拿大,爱尔兰,新西兰,英国或美国担任了至少两年的全职或同等时间水平的兼职教师,这须是在提交申请前五年内且必须是在英语环境下。需提供工作证明(推荐信)Completed at least two years of full-time (or part-time equivalent) employment as a qualified classroom teacher in their nominated occupation in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America. Employment must have been completed in the five years prior to lodging this application and they must have been completed in an English language environment
Suitable evidence – employment references
4. 雅思考试每项分数不低于7分,在提交申请时,您提供的雅思成绩单的考试时间不超过12个月,每项分数都以雅思成绩单形式体现。提供雅思成绩单证明副本。Obtained a score of seven or more in each component of the Academic version of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Test. The required scores must appear on a single IELTS Test Report Form and must be no more than 12 months old when submitted with a Teaching Australia application form.
Suitable evidence – certified copy of your IELTS test report form
请不要提供低于7分的雅思成绩单或笼统的成绩单Please do not, under any circumstances, submit any Academic IELTS Test Report Form that shows a score of less than 7 in any component, or a General IELTS Test Report Form.

Section J: applicant declaration

申请人须亲自签字并注明日期The Applicant Declaration must be signed and dated by the applicant (not by the agent).

Skills Assessment Application Form Part 3

Checklist 清单

清单包含所有申请证明文件Please complete this checklist indicating the documents you have included with your application. The section of the Application Form each document relates to is identified at each check point.

申请人须递交完整的申请表和提供所有证明文件,如果您的文件不完整的话,会拖延您的评估时间。Teaching Australia operates on the basis that all applicants will submit a completed Application Form and all required evidence. Remember, it is your responsibility as the applicant, to ensure that you have submitted all the required documents relevant to your situation. Assessment time is extended when Teaching Australia has to request documents after your application is received.

如果需要提供其他额外证明,您须在接到E-mail之后六个月内递交。申请书中写上额外证明的递交日期。In the event we request you submit additional evidence you will need to submit it within six months of the initial notification email sent to you or your agent. The date the additional documents will need to be submitted will be specified in the request.

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